Software I've contributing to as part of Guix-HPC:
Software I've contributed to as part of my work in manao, 2015–2017:
the ALTA C++ library to manipulate bi-directional reflectance
distribution functions (BRDF)
Software I've contributed to as part of my work in the
Software I've contributed to as part of my work in the
Team-Project, 2008–2009 and 2011–2012:
Software I've contributed to or written as part of my work
in the Cépage Team-Project, 2009–2010:
Hubble, a simulator for the evaluation of scheduling algorithms for
continuous integration systems (in Scheme)
Xooctory, a (now defunct) continuous integration tool (in
Java & Scala)
Some more:
Source Code Archiving to the Rescue of Reproducible Deployment
(with Timothy Sample, Simon Tournier, and Stefano Zacchiroli),
ACM Conference
on Reproducibility and Replicability (ACM REP), June 2024
Public Comment to CISA-2023-0026-0001 —
Perspective from Developers of GNU Guix,
on the
Software Identification Ecosystem Option Analysis
published by the US Cybersecurity & Infrasructure Security Agency (CISA), Jan. 2024
Building a Secure Software Supply Chain
with GNU Guix, ‹Programming› Journal, vol. 7,
issue 1, June 2022
Reproducibility and Performance: Why Choose? (preprint)
(paywalled version),
IEEE CiSE volume 4, issue 3, June 2022
Reproduire les environnements logiciels : un maillon
incontournable de la recherche reproductible, Nov. 2021,
1024 (bulletin de la Société Informatique de France)
Déploiements reproductibles dans le temps avec GNU Guix,
March 2021, GNU/Linux
Magazine France HS #113 (PDF)
[Re] Storage Tradeoffs in a Collaborative Backup
Service for Mobile Devices, June 2020, Ten Years
Reproducibility Challenge, ReScience C (code)
Code Staging in GNU Guix, Oct. 2017, 16th International
Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experience (GPCE
Gestion de paquets sûre et flexible
avec GNU Guix (PDF),
June 2016, GNU/Linux
Magazine France #194 (under CC-BY-ND)
Reproducible and User-Controlled Software Environments in HPC with
Guix, June 2015, 2nd
International Workshop on Reproducibility in Parallel Computing
programme MORECOWBELL de la NSA sonne le glas du DNS (HAL), translated from
the English version,
Jan. 2015; see also this article published by Le Monde
Design and Implementation of rowe, a Web-Friendly Communication
Library, Jan. 2015, Inria Technical Report 452
RAPP System Architecture, September 2014, workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment in IROS
Functional Package Management with Guix, May 2013, European Lisp
Symposium (ELS)
C Language Extensions for Hybrid CPU/GPU Programming with
StarPU, April 2013, Inria Research Report 8278
Mixed Data-Parallel Scheduling for Distributed Continuous
Integration, O. Beaumont et al., 2012, Heterogeneity in Computing
Workshop (HCW), in IPDPS.
one of the many authors of The
Guile 2.0 Reference Manual, 2012, ISBN 978-1-906966-15-7 (free book also
available from
Cooperative Data Backup for Mobile Devices, PhD thesis, 2007, LAAS-CNRS.
Dependability Evaluation of Cooperative Backup Strategies for Mobile
Devices, L. Courtès et al., 2007, Pacific Rim Dependable Computing
Conference (PRDC).
Security Rationale for a Cooperative Backup Service for Mobile
Devices, L. Courtès et al., 2007, Latin-American Dependable Computing
Conference (LADC).
Tradeoffs in a Collaborative Backup Service for Mobile Devices,
L. Courtès et al., 2006, European Dependable Computing Conference
Sauvegarde coopérative entre pairs pour dispositifs mobiles,
L. Courtès et al., 2005, UbiMob.
publication lists: DBLP, HAL,
Autonomie, flexibilité et reproductibilité : le pari de Guix-HPC,
Guix-HPC Mini-Workshop,
Nov. 2024
Towards Reproducible Jupyter Notebooks
Notebook WG Webinar, Oct. 2024
Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery for HPC with Guix,
CASTIEL 2 Webinar, Sept. 2024
Faites du logiciel libre
Journées informatique IN2P3/IRFU, Sept. 2024
Dependable Software Deployment with Guix,
International Post-Exascale Workshop (InPEx),
June 2024
Reproducibility and Performance: Why Choose?
52ème Forum ORAP, March 2024
How to get started using Guix, tutorial for the
Workshop on Reproducible Software Environments in HPC and Research, Nov. 2023
Vers une étude scientifique expérimentale reproductible avec Guix,
tutorial led by Marek Felšöci for the
Compas conference,
July 2023
Démarrer avec Guix, tutorial for User Tools for HPC (UST4HPC), June 2023
Déploiement logiciel reproducible avec GNU Guix,
Inria SED HPC seminar, June 2023
Building a Secure Software Supply Chain
with GNU Guix, Galois tech talk, April 2023
Building a Secure Software Supply Chain
with GNU Guix, ‹Programming› Conference, March 2023
Where does that code come from? Git
Checkout Authentication to the Rescue of Supply
Chain Security,
FOSDEM, Feb. 2023
Reproducibility and performance: why
FOSDEM, Feb. 2023
Reproductibilité & Portabilité des
Journées calcul et données (JCAD), Dec. 2021
Guix: Reproducible Software Deployment
for Reproducible Research
(video), Software Heritage Firth Anniversary, Nov. 2021
Reproducible deployment with GNU Guix: theory &
packaging, TREX CoE build system hackathon, Nov. 2021
The Packaging Grail (video, slides), PackagingCon 2021, Nov. 2021
Environnements logiciels reproductibles et transparents avec GNU Guix,
Journée recherche de la Société Informatique de France (SIF) sur la reproductibilité de la recherche, May 2021
Declaratively yours—Composing system abstractions with GNU Guix,
FOSDEM, Feb. 2021
Towards reproducible Jupyter notebooks, User Tools for HPC (UST4HPC), Jan. 2021
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements
reproductibles avec GNU Guix, User Tools for HPC (UST4HPC), Jan. 2021
The role of software deployment in
reproducible research, seminar of the Belgian Research
Software Engineers Association (BE-RSE), Nov. 2020
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements logiciels
reproductibles avec GNU Guix, JDEV, July 2020
Towards reproducible Jupyter notebooks,
FOSDEM, Feb. 2020
GNU Guix: Unifying provisioning, deployment, and package management in the age of containers,
FOSDEM (main track; see
interview), Feb. 2020
Vers un environnement reproductible pour les bloc-notes Jupyter,
Oct. 2019
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements logiciels
reproductibles avec GNU Guix, ARAMIS plenary session on
reproducibility practices,
May 2019
GNU Guix, les conteneurs et la reproductibilité, IN2P3/CNRS ComputeOps workshop, March 2019
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements logiciels
reproductibles avec GNU Guix, INRA Toulouse (MIA), Feb. 2019
GNU Guix’s take on a new approach to software distribution,
FOSDEM, Feb. 2019
Building a whole distro on top of a minimalistic language, FOSDEM, Feb. 2019
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements logiciels reproductibles avec
GNU Guix, URFIST workshop on reproducible software
Nov. 2018
Au-delà des conteneurs : environnements logiciels reproductibles avec
GNU Guix, JCAD, Oct. 2018
Guix dans la chaîne d’outils pour la
reproductibilité scientifique,
Plénière DGD-T, Inria Rennes, May 2018
Beyond Bundles—Reproducible Software
Environments with GNU Guix (with Ricardo Wurmus),
CERN Computing Seminars, May 2018
Tying software deployment to scientific workflows,
Feb. 2018
Code Staging in GNU Guix,
GPCE, Oct. 2017
Composing system services in GuixSD,
Feb. 2017
Optimized and reproducible HPC software deployment,
with Pjotr Prins,
Feb. 2017
Controlling Software Environments with
GNU Guix, Inria seminar, Nov. 2016
Guix: Scheme as a uniform OS admin and
deployment interface, CUFP, Sept. 2016
GNU Guix: The Functional GNU/Linux Distro
That’s a Scheme Library, Scheme
Worskhop (invited talk), Sept. 2016
GNU Guix is 4 years old!,
GNU Hackers
Meeting (Rennes, France), August 2016
Reproducible and Customizable Deployments
with GNU Guix (why "app bundles" get it wrong), FOSDEM, Jan. 2016
Your distro is a Scheme library, FOSDEM, Jan. 2016
Reproducible Software Deployment with GNU
Guix (video), Inria
Rennes, Nov. 2015
Reproducible and User-Controlled Software
Environments in HPC with Guix, with
Ricardo Wurmus, 2nd International
Workshop on Reproducibility in Parallel Computing
(RepPar), Aug. 2015
The Emacs of Distros—How GNU Guix
Seeks to Empower Users, FOSDEM, Feb. 2015
We're building the GNU system!,
GNU Hackers Meeting, Aug. 2014
GNU Autotools Do What Your Users Need
(+ code at git://, Inria
seminar, July 2014
Using HOP as the Lingua Franca in RAPP,
Inria PAL Workshop, July 2014
Growing a GNU with Guix, FOSDEM, Feb. 2014
Want a 2.0ish Web site? Hop!
(+ demo),
Inria seminar, Oct. 2013
Guix, the Computing Freedom Deployment Tool,
GNU Hackers Meeting, Aug. 2013
Functional Package Management with Guix, May 2013, European Lisp
Symposium (ELS)
A Quick
Introduction to the Lout Document Formatting System, Inria SED team
meeting, Sept. 2012
Functional Package Management for the People, GNU Hackers Meeting, July
StarPU’s C
Extensions for Hybrid CPU/GPU Task Programming—An Experience in
Turning a Clumsy API Into Language Extensions, GNU Tools Cauldron,
Prague, July 2012
Software Documentation—That Thing We Love To
Hate, Inria seminar, June 2012
Hydra: Top-Notch Continuous Integration for
Demanding People, Inria seminar, Nov. 2011
talk about being a research engineer at Inria, for the
2011 JDEV in Toulouse, Sept. 2011
Software Testing—Trying Hard to Make Software
Fail, Inria seminar, June 2011
Relax, Program in Scheme, Inria seminar,
Nov. 2010
NixOS: The Only Functional GNU/Linux
Distribution, Libre Software Meeting, Jul. 2010
libchop, a library for distributed storage and data
backup, GNU Hackers Meeting, Jul. 2010
La Pacification du développement logiciel par
l'intégration continue, Inria seminar, Feb. 2010
The Hydra/Nix
Approach to Continuous Integration, Inria talk in the Cépage
team, Nov. 2009
more Inria
Cooperative Backup for Mobile Devices, PhD
defense, Nov. 2007
Conferences & Service