Workshop on stochastic models and bayesian inference in epidemiology
the ALEA team of the
Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux
is glad to announce the workshop on stochastic models and bayesian inference in epidemiology
- 08:30,
Bernard Cazelles (ENS and UMPC University)
On the need of inference and model selection in epidemiological modeling
- 09:15, Coffee break
- 09:45,
Miraine Davila (SupTelecom, joint work with St. Clemencon)
On computer-intensive simulation and estimation methods for rare event analysis in epidemic models
- 10:30,
Joseph Dureau
(ENS & London School of economics) :
Capturer les determinants non-stationnaires d'une epidemie a l'aide du Particle MCMC
- 11:15, Anton Camacho (ENS, Paris)
Inference et exploration d'un modele stochastique non-lineaire: la grippe comme cas d'etude.
13:30, Jean Pierre Vila
(INRA, Montpellier)
HMM et statistique sequentielle : une approche particulaire
Applications en Biologie
- 14:45, Adrien Todeschini
(IMB & ALEA INRIA Bordeaux) :
From BUGS to BIIPS, a new software for Bayesian Inference using Interacting Particle Systems
15:30, Tran Viet Chi (Univ. Lille)
Large graph limit and Volz' equations for an SIR epidemic spreading on a configuration model graph
- 16:15, break
16:45, Elisabeta Vergu (INRA, Paris)
Deux illustrations d'inference de modeles epidemiques : la fievre Q (approche pragmatique) et la grippe humaine (approche theorique)
17:30, Michel Langlais (Univ. Bordeaux 2)
Predator/prey abundance, fragmented spatial structures and parasite persistence in a deterministic mathematical model