Brice Goglin
Brice Goglin
Research director at Inria.
Head of the
TADaaM Inria team
Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Research Centre
LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique,
CNRS research unit UMR 5800, Satanas Team)
University of Bordeaux
Post address:
Inria Bordeaux
200 avenue de la vieille tour
33405 Talence cedex
Phone: +33 (0)5 24 57 40 91
Fax: +33 (0)5 24 57 40 56
I am working in the TADaaM Inria team
(previously Runtime Inria Team-Project).
My primary research interests are:
- Modeling modern hierarchical and multicore platforms;
- I/O in multicore and NUMA hierarchical machines;
- High performance communication;
- Memory management and migration for OpenMP threads scheduling over hierarchical architectures.
More details here.
My Habilitation dissertation (in French)
and my Ph.D dissertation (in French).
Selected Publications
Ana Gainaru, Brice Goglin, Valentin Honoré, and Guillaume Pallez.
Profiles of upcoming HPC Applications and their Impact
on Reservation Strategies.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, 32:1178-1190, May 2021.
Open archive
Nicolas Denoyelle, Brice Goglin, Aleksandar Ilic, Emmanuel Jeannot, and Leonel
Modeling Non-Uniform Memory Access on Large Compute
Nodes with the Cache-Aware Roofline Model.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, 30(6):1374-1389, June 2019.
Open archive
Brice Goglin, Emmanuel Jeannot, Farouk Mansouri, and Guillaume Mercier.
Hardware topology management in MPI applications through
hierarchical communicators.
Parallel Computing (PARCO), 76:70-90, August
Open archive
Brice Goglin.
Exposing the Locality of Heterogeneous Memory
Architectures to HPC Applications.
In The Second International Symposium on Memory Systems
Proceedings (MEMSYS16), pages 30-39, Washington, DC, October
2016. ACM.
Open archive
Brice Goglin.
High-Performance Message Passing over generic Ethernet
Hardware with Open-MX.
Elsevier Journal of Parallel Computing
(PARCO), 37(2):85-100, February 2011.
Open archive
Stéphanie Moreaud, Brice Goglin, and Raymond Namyst.
Adaptive MPI Multirail Tuning for Non-Uniform
Input/Output Access.
In Edgar Gabriel Rainer Keller and Jack Dongarra, editors,
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface. The 17th
European MPI User's Group Meeting (EuroMPI 2010), volume 6305 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 239-248,
Stuttgart, Germany, September 2010. Springer-Verlag.
Best paper award.
Open archive
François Broquedis, Nathalie Furmento, Brice Goglin, Pierre-André
Wacrenier, and Raymond Namyst.
ForestGOMP: an efficient OpenMP environment for NUMA
International Journal on Parallel Programming, Special
Issue on OpenMP; Guest Editors: Matthias S. Müller and Eduard
Ayguadé, 38(5):418-439, 2010.
Open archive
List of Publications (with BibTex entries)
— HAL export (with PDFs)
— Google Scholar
— Scopus
oneAPI Hardware Abstraction SIG
(former Level Zero Technical Advisory Board, since 2022).
Khronos OpenCL Advisory Panel (since 2021)
Collaboration with Intel about modeling manycore platforms and new memory architectures, since 2015.
hwloc and netloc software development within the Open MPI consortium (Cisco, Intel, AMD, UTK, etc.).
H2M ANR-DFG project with RWTH Aachen University on Heuristics for Heterogeneous Memory (2021-2024).
EUPEX European Project
Textarossa European Project
INESC-ID laboratory from Lisbon University about the Locality-aware Roofline Model (2015-2018).
PIA ELCI with CEA and Atos/Bull, 2014-2017.
ITEA2 COLOC project with many European partners,
SEHLOC STIC-AmSud project with UNSL (Argentina) and UdelaR (Uruguay), 2013-2014.
Common Communication Interface
with Oak Ridge National Lab (USA), 2012-2014.
with many French partners, 2012-2015.
Inria associated team MPI-Runtime with
Argonne National Lab, 2008-2010.
Myricom for Open-MX software development, 2007-2008.
- Méline Trochon (PhD with DataDirect Networks, 2024-2027)
- Charles Goedefroit (PhD with Eviden, 2024-2026)
- Pierre Clouzet (Engineer, 2023-2025)
- Thibaut Pepin (PhD with CEA/DAM, 2023-2026)
- Corentin Mercier (Master, 2022)
- Clément Foyer (Post-Doc, 2021-2022)
- Clément Gavoille (PhD with CEA/DAM, 2021-2023)
- Andrés Rubio (PhD, 2018-2021)
- Valentin Hoyet (Apprenticeship Engineer, 2018-2021)
- Valentin Honoré (PhD, 2017-2020)
- Nicolas Denoyelle (Master, Engineer and PhD, 2014-2018)
- Cyril Bordage (Post-Doc, 2015-2018)
- Clément Foyer (Engineer, 2017)
- Ahmad Boissetri Binzagr (Undergraduate, 2016)
- Guillaume Beauchamp (Undergraduate, 2015)
- Bertrand Putigny (PhD, 2010-2014)
- Clément Dussieux (ENSEIRB engineering school, 2014)
- Benoit Ruelle (ENSEIRB engineering school, 2013)
- Antoine Rougier (Master, 2012)
- Stéphanie Moreaud (Master and PhD, 2007-2011)
- Romain Perier (Master, 2010)
- Ludovic Stordeur (Engineer, 2009-2011)
- François Broquedis (Master, 2007)
Among others:
In charge of parallel computing platforms for the
Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Research Centre
(since 2021).
In charge of the scientific mediation for the
Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Research Centre
Coordinator of the 2013 CEA-EDF-Inria HPC summer school on Programming Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures.
In charge of the Inria booth at the
Supercomputing Conference and Exhibition (2010-2014).
Program Committees:
- Conferences:
ISC (2021),
SuperComputing (Area co-Chair 2020, PC member 2012 and 2024, Poster PC 2018),
EuroMPI (Program co-Chair 2015, PC member 2011-2014, 2017-2019),
ICPP (2019),
Hot Interconnects (2012-2019, 2021-2023),
Cluster (2014, 2016, 2024),
CCGrid (Poster 2016),
CARLA (2014, 2017),
ICCCN (2014),
HiPC (2013-2014, 2024),
Euro-Par (2023, Track Co-chair 2011),
ISPAN (2011),
Smoky Mountains 2021.
- Workshops:
RADR (2019-2021),
COLOC (2017-2021),
PADAL (co-Chair 2019),
ROME (2018-2019, 2022),
ExaComm (2016-2019),
HeteroPar 2022.
Administrator of the team experimental machines (Dalton).
Treasurer of the works council (AGOS)
of the Inria Research Centre (2012-2018).
Current and past Teaching activities (in French).
Personal webpage.
Curriculum Vitæ.
Public PGP key:
Updated on 2025/02/17.