Fast Absorption Simulation by TDDFT.
FAST is a linear response time dependent density functional program for computing the electronic absorption spectrum of molecular systems. It uses an linear response method based on finite numerical atomic orbitals and deflation of linear dependence in atomic orbital product space. This version is designed to work with data produced by the SIESTA DFT code. The code produces as principal output a numerical absorption spectrum (complex part of the polarisability, loosely called the polarisability below) and a list of transition energies and oscillator strengths deduced from fitting Lorentzians to the numerical spectrum. Considering the absence of hybrid functionals in SIESTA and that concerning calculation of spectra, generalised gradient Hamiltonians are not usually considered to be notably better than the local density approximation, the present release of FAST works only with LDA, which despite its limitations, has provided useful results on the systems to which the present authors have applied it.
FAST is provided as is, under CeCILL A license. However the authors would take it as a courtesy to be informed of bugs, which will be corrected as time allows. They will enter into correspondence with registered users only.
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The user guide ( pdf).