Julia Chatain

Hi, i am a PhD student in Human Computer Interaction, at Inria Bordeaux, in the Potioc team and as part of the LaBRI. My project, motivated by the Smart Cities dynamic, focuses on the use of augmented reality to let users express themselves about their environment and rediscover their cities.

Things i work on.

User using a SyMAPse prototype


Augmented interactive maps for subjective expression. Making the interface between paper maps and digital maps in order to let the users express themselves but also benefit from the aggregation of their inputs.

Various input modalities for augmented maps

Input modalities for augmented maps

Exploration of various modalities (touch based, object based, and spatial) for interacting with augmented maps. Zooming, panning and basemap changing are explored. Work presented at IHM 2015

Things i can do/like to do.

Computer Science

C++, Java, C#, OCaml, Scala, Matlab, Processing, LaTeX.


French, English, Spanish (notions), Russian (notions), LSF (notions).


Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Inkscape.


Sewing, building stuff, solving puzzles, books that challenge imagination, video games.


Hiking, running, badminton, natation.


Engineering degree and Master from École polytechnique (Palaiseau, France), Master of Science from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland).

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